Maximize Your Data Infrastructure ROI with these Mainframe Cost Reduction Tips

Large commitment comes with a need for cost optimization. In order to increase your mainframe ROI, follow these strategies: 1. Virtualize Your Mainframe Workloads Even though commodity servers support virtualization, mainframe offers an unparallel support for virtualized workloads. A single mainframe is capable of supporting as many as 8,000 virtual machines. When planning your mainframe architecture, try to take full advantage of virtualization. Virtualization makes workloads more portable and scalable and helps ensure that your mainframe’s capacity is not under-utilized. 2. Consider Linux for Mainframe The best feature of mainframes is that they can run Linux-based software environments as well as native mainframe environments. Taking advantage of Linux as a host environment for some of your applications on your mainframe can significantly reduce your overall operating costs — especially because Linux on the mainframe makes it possible to move some of your appli...