The Immortal Mainframe

In the course of recent decades, and with each new technology pattern, prognosticators have anticipated the end of the venerable mainframe. Such expectations fizzled, not on the grounds that the rising technology flopped; rather, forecasters overlooked the capacity of the mainframe to use technology progressions to just rethink the cutting edge mainframe.

Predictions of the passing of the mainframe have uncovered the central absence of knowledge about what the mainframe is and what it does. The introduction of the newest generation of the IBM z14 mainframe exhibits indeed that the grand mainframe is the most dominant, solid, secure, adaptable and cost-productive platform on the planet.
Think about this: The mainframe processes a large portion ofthe world's exchanges (ex: banking, aircraft reservations, retail exchanges, payments, check clearing, and so on.) but then, it represents a little level of the yearly spend for worldwide figure.

Let's be honest, most people come up short on a knowledge of the mainframe and think minimal about the advanced features and unique capacities.
On account of this absence of understanding, a few organizations have been tricked by prognosticators and enticed by the technology "flavor of the month", and have put in movement, plans to get off the mainframe. Also, in almost all cases, these organizations wound up spending huge amounts of cash, just endeavoring to duplicate what they previously had with the mainframe. Also, to make an already difficult situation even worse, they viewed other mainframe customers getting a charge out of all the new "flavors", without experiencing hazardous and costly movements.
The mainframe platform has a strong track record of driving innovation, including cloud computing (compute, storage, network – as-a-Service), virtualization, zLinux, dynamic Capacity-On-Demand, Pervasive Encryption, Parallel Sysplex, +5GHz processor, on-chip accelerators, to name a few. Other innovations, driven by the industry, academia, start-ups, and open source contributors, are quickly leveraged and optimized for exploitation on the mainframe.

Along these lines, as you attempt company-wide digital transformation, for instance, there is no compelling reason to move to another platform to start the voyage. You can begin the adventure now, on your IBM mainframe.


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