Mobile App Development Company Raleigh NC | Maintec

 The applications are mainly categorized, whether they are web-based or native apps, which are specifically designed for a particular platform. Another category is hybrid applications, which combines the elements of both the native and web-based apps.To understand the development of any type of applications, here are the different technologies that should be taken into consideration before building any application.

Native Apps

The native apps are built for a particular platform or device. These applications are developed for a single operating system that’s why they are called native apps. multi platform mobile app development consulting are built for systems like Android and IOS. One cannot use the app built for the Android system on iPhone and vice versa


 One of the biggest benefits of the native app is the users get the best performance and excellent experience while using the application. All the developers use the native UI for all the native applications. ipad app development consultant nc helps to provide and accelerate the development and extend the terrain for the usage of the application. These native apps are downloaded from the app store and are directly installed into the devices.

For these native applications to run, build and maintain the seamless functionality either for Android or IOS, you need two sets of a team for the development, and that can prove to be costly and this the main drawback of the native apps.

Web Apps

These applications are similar to native mobile applications that work on mobile devices. The main difference between web-based apps and native apps is that web apps use browsers to run and are usually built on CSS, HTML5 or JavaScript. These apps redirect the users to the URL and offer the users to download and install the app. This creates a bookmark on the page and it uses less memory.

From the term itself, understandably, all the database is saved on the servers, so if the user wants to use the app, they must be connected to the internet. This is the main drawback of web-based apps, they require their users to be connected to the internet. Furthermore, the developers won't have the APIs in large numbers, except the popular features like geolocation. The performance of the app will be linked to the browser and network connection.


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